Saturday, January 1, 2011

Coming Soon in January!

I hope everyone had a great break and enjoyed time with their families and friends! I can't believe we only have half of a year left! January is going to be a busy one! Here is a preview of what to expect in our academic areas!
Math: Mrs. J's math class will be finishing our unit on two-dimensional geometry and then moving on to three-dimensional geometry. We will be working with nets and looking at sides and vertices of shapes. We will be able to make some of these shapes ourselves and investigate how switching from two to three-dimensional will change the mounts of sides and vertices. We will not be abandoning our basic math though! We have a new math bash coming this month and will be working hard to meet our class goal of 100% participation! please help your student by studying their multiplication and division facts with them!
Science: We will be finishing our Solar System unit we started in December. Our journey through the planets will set the stage for our Student Treasures books we will be working on! (See writing below)
Social Studies: We last left off with our thirteen colonies being established in the new land. We will next discuss the Revolutionary War and how America separated itself from England. This unit will have us exploring the many events which led to a war with England and learning about our Founding Fathers who shaped this country!
Writing: We will be working on our Student Treasures books in January. These are the books the students write and then they become a published book! Each student will receive one free copy, order forms will be coming home for those interested in ordering additional copies. We need very student to have an order form filled out, even if you are not buying one. Our topic for our books this year will be an ABC tour of the Solar System! We will be publishing a non-fiction book with lots of fun facts on our universe!
Reading: We will begin our poetry unit when we return. This is a such a fun unit the students enjoy doing! We will take our knowledge of figurative language and explore different types of poetry! Students will be creating their own poems and putting them into a collection that will be bound for them to keep! We will top off our unit with our "Coffee House Poetry Reading"! Look for details to come!
Language Arts: we will be continuing to look at verbs and adjectives. The information students will learn is mostly review of things they have been taught before. However, grammar can be tricky! Please make sure you take time to review any language arts homework that may come home to make sure your student is on the right track!

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